Saturday, March 30, 2019

Lil’ Bit o’ Kitchen

Each year, our organization, Society of American Miniaturists (SAM), holds an all-day workshop.  In February, 2018 it was a mini-kitchen room with the theme Lil’ Bit o’ Kitchen.  The room outer structure (walls, floor and ceiling) was about 10 x 10 x 3 inches and made of gatorboard.  When constructed it fit into a 10 x 10 inch picture frame. Here is a photo of the blank prototype:

Basic Kitchen Prototype Kit

The committee, funded by SAM made approximately 100 kits of laser cut card stock – sort of like framing mat board.  Included in the laser cut pieces were upper cabinets with two styles of door fronts (plain and with a circle design, both shown in above photo), lower cabinets, counter of thicker mat board, window frame and farm-type sink.  They also provided a 3D printed faucet and decorative laser-carved wood trim shown in the photo above between the lower cabinets.

The event was hosted by our Houston member miniature clubs.  They designed the prototypes, made 100 kits, gathered tote bag favors from SAM members, taught all the kit parts and provided lunch.  The committee prototype rooms were so lovely!  Some even replaced the lower cabinets with stoves or mini-fridges. Here are some of the prototypes of the committee members:

Christmas Kitchen by Lori Howell (note the appliances)

Sleek, modern kitchen by Carolyn Denning

Modern with 'glass' tile backsplash by Carolyne Martinez

Modern Kitchen by Sandra Manring

The kitchen theme tote bag favors were made by many of the SAM members for the event.  It is always a great project and a fun experience (click Society of American Miniaturists and you can join and go to future events for a (mini) fee of only $25 per year!)
I was so inspired by these wonderful prototypes and couldn't wait to dig in to my own kitchen.  In the next few blogs I will give tutorials on how I customized my project including:
  • Faux-finishing the cardboard cabinets for an antique pine stain
  • Faux ‘carved’ embellishments
  • Embellishing cabinet doors
  • Wood veneer flooring with decorative inlay trim
  • LED Lighting (sconces, inside cabinet and under cabinet)
  • Custom made cabinet hardware

Here is a preview of my kitchen to be discussed in the next few blogs: